The three-port converter has three H-bridge ports that can interface with three different\nenergy sources and offers the advantages of flexible power transmission, galvanic isolation ability and\nhigh power density. The three-port full-bridge converter can be used in electric vehicles as a combined\ncharger that consists of a battery charger and a DC-DC converter. Power transfer occurs between\ntwo ports while the third port is isolated, i.e., the average power is zero. The purpose of this paper\nis to apply an optimal phase shift strategy in isolation control and provide a detailed comparison\nbetween traditional phase shift control and optimal phase shift control under the proposed isolation\ncontrol scheme, including comparison of the zero-voltage-switching range and the root mean square\ncurrent for the two methods. Based on this analysis, the optimal parameters are selected. The results\nof simulations and experiments are given to verify the advantages of dual-phase-shift control in\nisolation control.